Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) is known for its extensive customization of the playable character and interesting NPCs. While KotOR introduces players to various powerful Jedi and Sith, Dark Jedi are often overlooked as an intriguing element of Darth Malak’s, formerly Revan’s, Sith empire.
As their name suggests, Dark Jedi are Jedi who have fallen to the dark side and support the Sith in controlling the galaxy but do not adopt the Sith code. Although not Sith in their own right, Dark Jedi are powerful force-wielders in the KotOR games, with many of them providing a considerable challenge to players as they progress through the game’s story.
5 Sith Governor
The Trainee Dark Jedi
- Title: Dark Jedi/Sith Apprentice
- Weapon Type: Double Bladed Vibro Blade
- Species: Humanoid
Not a full-blown Sith nor a Jedi, the Sith Governor is a Force-sensitive Dark Jedi trained in the ways of the Dark Side. The Sith Governor is the first Dark Side user players encounter in KotOR, guarding the Sith launch codes needed to fly off the planet Taris. Players must defeat the Governor to leave Taris and progress through the game.
While the weakest Dark Jedi on this list, the Sith Governor is the first taste players get of battling a Force user. Despite being one of the first major bosses players encounter, the Sith Governor is no slouch, using powers like Force Drain and a double-bladed vibro blade.
4 Juhani
A Failed Apprentice
- Title: Dark Jedi/Jedi Padawan
- Weapon Type: Single-Bladed Lightsaber
- Master: Quatra
- Species: Cathar
A former Jedi padawan, Juhani succumbed to the Dark Side after injuring her master during training. Revan confronts Juhani after instructions from the Jedi high council of Dantooine to cleanse the location named The Grove of darkness.
Players must fight the Juhani, choosing whether to kill or save her, and thus determining the character’s fate. While not the most powerful Dark Jedi on this list, Juhani is one of the first dark Jedi players encounter, showcasing the compelling nature of the Dark Side and the struggle Jedi must endure to silence it.
3 Belaya
A Jedi Turned To Darkness By Love
- Rank: Dark Jedi/Jedi Knight
- Weapon Type: Single-Bladed Lightsaber
- Master: Zhar Lestin
- Species: Humanoid
Belaya, the supposed lover of Juhani, is a Force-sensitive female Jedi that players can encounter as a Dark Jedi if they kill Juhani in battle. Upon killing Juhani, Belaya is outraged and turns to the Dark Side, attempting to destroy Revan at the Sith academy in Korriban.
Using powerful Dark Side abilities such as Force Lightning, Force Drain, and Wound, Belaya fights Revan in the name of Juhani and is notably more powerful than her lover. However, Belaya is no match for Revan, and is killed in combat. Belaya, much like Juhani, is one of the first LGBTQ+ characters in Star Wars canon.
2 Bastila Shan
Darth Malak’s Greatest Apprentice
- Rank: Dark Jedi/Jedi Master
- Weapon Type: Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- Master: Darth Malak
- Species: Humanoid
Bastila Shan, one of KotOR’s main companions, falls to the Dark Side Jedi after her torture and capture by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Malak. An exceptionally powerful force user and skilled lightsaber duelist, players must face Shan in combat after she becomes a Dark Jedi. When fighting Revan and his companions, Bastila Shan shows that she has become proficient in various Dark Side abilities, such as Force Lightning, in a short time, showcasing her power and knowledge of the Force.
Under the influence of the Dark Side, Shan is immensely powerful, with strong Force powers such as Battle Meditation nearly turning the tide of battle against Revan and their companions during the game’s concluding chapters. Revan later turns Shan back to the Light after defeating her.
1 Ajunta Pall
The Original And Most Powerful Dark Jedi
- Rank: Dark Jedi/Sith Lord
- Weapon Type: Single-Bladed Lightsaber, Sword of Ajunta Pall
- Species: Humanoid
Ajunta Pall is an ancient Dark Side user and the first-ever Sith lord. Originally a Jedi that turned to the Dark Side, Ajunta Pall was the original Dark Jedi and the most powerful.
A strong warrior, Ajunta Pall founded the powerful Sith empire and led legions of Dark Jedi in conquering the planet of Korriban as the Sith homeworld. The former Sith Lord, Revan, later encounters Pall in his tomb on Korriban as a Force Ghost during the events of KotOR, and convinces the former Dark Jedi to return to the Light. The most powerful Dark Jedi on this list, Ajunta Pall, was feared and revered by Dark Side followers, slaying numerous Jedi and laying the foundations for the Sith that would last for centuries.